
Preliminary Production Task

Introduction to A2 Media first task.

Adobe Premier Pro and DSLR Filmmaking.

This task was designed to give us a basic introduction to the hardware and the film making software, that we will need for our A2 coursework assignment. This task also helped getting to know each person in our groups. Following is our brief:



For the class the genre chosen was horror. Using a DSLR, we had to compose and edit short six sequence, with a title ‘Running from the enemy’.

As a group we created the storyboard. Each frame we decided to include the different shot types we were asked to use in the brief, We also decided to go unconventional and include the camera person in the frame. This would help us with the positioning of the camera when we went live.


storyboard 1


This was the first 3 shots of the storyboard which compromised the following:

Frame one: The first shot was Handheld, where we had the victim (who is me) was being chased by the villain (Eleanor), Who is not shown in the shot, as it is a point of view shot from the villain

Frame two: Close up on the weapon.

Frame three: Birds eye view of the victim.

Frame four: Tracking pan, camera pans around the victim as they stay still.

Frame five: fast paced series of close ups and extreme close ups of the victim, villain and weapon.

Frame six: close up of the weapon being thrown then a tracking shot of the weapon as it flies through the air.


For our short film we chose to do the filming in Crookhorn around the housing estate and by the shops as they weren’t a conventional place like a woods, it was somewhere that represented a place where the average person would walk. Around houses and go to shops. Which gave a claustrophobic, small community like feel.


The only prop we used was a stick which represented a knife. For obvious reason we couldn’t use a real knife as it’s inappropriate, a breach of health and safety as it had to be thrown and also it is illegal to carry a knife around in public.



We had Jemma Green as the camera woman for the majority of the filming as Eleanor and I were being filmed. Jemma used a tripod for panning shots. We filmed in a variety of locations around the crookhorn area.



As a group we took it in turns to do the editing as the objective of the task was to gain basic knowledge of how to use the software program it would be practical if we all knew how to use it. Each member of the group done two shots and to finalize it, we done the last touches together. Making sure everyone had input and was happy with what the film looked like.


Finished Product: 

We published our short film on YouTube.



We were unaware of how to use the software and technology.

Didn’t finish editing: it didn’t flow as nicely as it could have done, there was no sound in the clip. There were no effects used on the shots which could have enhanced our short film.

We didn’t know each other (the members of the group)

We could have made better props instead of using a stick as a knife.

Resolving the problems: 

We used our initiative on how to use the technology and software, aking for help when it was needed. However Jemma does photography as an A Level so she had some knowledge of how to use the DSLR hence why she done the majority of the filming.

For next time we will get the filming done in a faster fashion to enable us to have more time for the editing as this is one of the most important parts of the production, We have to make it as realistic and the best trailer possible.

The task helped us get to know each other.

For next time we could either bring a toy knife in or construct one out of plastic to make it more realistic.

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