Pre-production: Teaser VS Trailer

Teaser VS Trailer

The purpose of a teaser is to ‘tease’ the audience. Showing minimal dialogue and footage of the movie although this is optional, footage from the movie does not have to be features. Usually a teaser is a minute long, sometimes longer. It is released about 18 months before the expected movie premier. Used to build anticipation for the expected target audience, it is an enigma used to puzzle the audience making them want to watch the movie when it comes out. A teaser is an advertisement of a movie, presented in cinema’s, on-line or television before feature movies. The construction of a teaser is a few flashed images or very short video clip closed with a title card showing the date of when the movie will come out. Viewers usually recognise the images and try and solve puzzle. Teasers work best when they are for films in a series as the audience will recognise symbols and faces.

This is an example of a teaser trailer of the movie Sinister

in comparison  to the actual trailer:

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