Diary Entry 3 – Tuesday 7th December 2014

Filming day 2 –

Following the last filming day last week we looked at the footage on the camera and noticed we were missing a few camera angles and shot types for certain scenes. So that was what we focused mainly on today. Basically we re-shot the scenes we filmed last time but instead we filmed it using the different types and angles. For example there is a chasing scene where the shot type is a over the shoulder tracking shot but today we filmed from the top of the steps (high to low shot) and a still (low to high shot) from the bottom of the steps. We realised the different shot types contributed different settings.

Beneficial, this day was productive as it meant that we had more footage to play with in the editing stage of  the project. However this does not mean this is not the last day, if more shots need to be taken then we will have an extra day to film.

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