Audience Feedback: Poster, Magazine and Trailer

The purpose of this post is to have one location for all of my feedback for my publications.  The feedback on this post may be repeated from other posts such as ‘Poster creation’, ‘Magazine creation’ and ‘Trailer creation’. I found it easier to read it all on one post rather than going on the separate posts.

Group Feedback: Trailer

As a group we decided to do a draft of our trailer and get feedback. This way we could use the feedback to reconstruct our work, feedback is important as we a creating a product for an audience and knowing what they want from a trailer means we are that step closer to getting potential customers for or product if we were to produce the full movie. Jemma Green suggested we each ask our target audience feedback in different media formats. From this Eleanor used Facebook to ask for feedback; Jemma created a paper questionnaire and I created a video.

This was Eleanor’s feedback procure and results:

From my feedback I asked five females and five males on their opinion of our first trailer draft and how we can improve. I created a group chat and found five of each at random ranging from courses they take, film preferences, media experience and different personality traits. The people I asked were between 16-20 years old. Relevant courses they take are below.

Dom Walton- Film Studies; Megan Miles-Film Studies; Peter Ketchen-Film Studies; Grace Jackson- Film Studies; Poppy Currie-Media

Nicola Faulds- Chemistry; Annie Cooper- Archaeology; Jack Whilmhurst- Music; Kieran Martin- Catering; Matt Barry-Biology



This helped me to know what areas needed to be improved and what changes would appeal better to the audience. The top 6 things that were identified by my target audience were;

  1. Make cuts smoother and clearer
  2. Sound blending between music and clips
  3. Dialogue clearer
  4. Colours need to be clearer between shots
  5. Title cards
  6. Plot establishment

So the visuals and sound need to be address such as making them clearer to hear/see. The cuts need to be clearer and need to establish the plot better as there are too many theatre shots and not enough actors. Colours change too much between the dark and light and we need title cards to fit to trailer styles. –

Jemma Green’s feedback procedures and results were as follows:

I used Microsoft word to do this. I decided to include questions which would help us identify any problems with the trailer and also to tell us what we wanted to hear in terms of whether we have managed to convey plot, genre conventions and excite the audience. ~Jemma Green,

Jemma went old fashioned and created a questionnaire. The audience would watch the trailer prior filling out the questionnaire. Jemma then collected the data and created pie charts to show the data. below is the questionnaire and her results.

Here are the results of my questionnaire, I gave it out to my friends, family and neighbours and showed them the trailer on my phone. I decided to only survey people who fitted our target audience specifications therefore I did not ask anyone over the age of 20 to fill in a questionnaire.I initially thought of scanning each completed questionnaire in however I then decided that there were too many completed sheets to scan in to present effectively. I then decided that I should present the collected data in several pie charts, as this would allow all the collected data to be viewed, stored and compared in one place. I therefore created these pie charts that can be seen below using the questionnaire data, i then disposed of the questionnaires as they were no longer needed. Here are the results below with a brief explanation of the findings. ~Jemma Green,

Jemma used powerpoint to put her pie charts together. This was for easier viewing.

From Jemma’s research the aspects we need to change are;

1. Addition of flashcards/text

2. Change the placing of the music

My Feedback contribution:

As we are living in a tech savvy era I decided to use my iPhone I downloaded an application called ‘Splice’ from the app store. This app allowed me to shoot separate videos, and cut and edit the separate videos to make one finalised video. I was able to add a soundtrack in the background and title to enhance the video.

On the bottom left of this screen shot you can see the app ‘Splice which is what i used.


These are the separate video’s I used to comprise my final video


This was the editing process. I then had to preview, export and publish my work onto Youtube.

Below is the final video. Enjoy!

From the video we need to change these things:

1. Cuts between clips

2. Colour scheme

3. More dialogue

From my group’s audience feedback on the first part of the trailer we can see what needs to be improved.

Overall the visuals of the repeated shots, colours, quick cuts and edits between dialogue and clips needs to be changed to become more fluid. The blending between the music and dialogue with the clips needs to be addressed as well as establishing the plot through flashcards as well as dialogue.

The acting isn’t something we can change in the editing as its all down to our actors. To improve we could source actors from people on a drama course or audition people.


Feedback: Poster

Below is the version of my poster I asked for feedback on.


For this movie poster I went on Facebook (a public social networking site) so that I could get general feedback from the public here is the feedback that I received:

This was the post I wrote prior the feedback.


picture6 picture5

After the feedback I received I reconstructed my poster changing around the playing with the advise I received. An aspect I didn’t include was the mask picture, this was because I found it on another publication that was not my own and including it would have meant that  I was breaching the copyright act. Aspects I decided to add on top of the feedback were social networking information on the bottom of the poster, this included the twitter hashtag #FoulPlay and the @FilmFoulPlay for Facebook and Instagram. This would embrace advertising for the movie.


1 Poster 11 <3 .psd


For the cracking affect on the face, and titles I used the lasso and quick selection tool to select the piece I wanted to crack and I then clicked ono the move tool to move the selected part from the original image giving a cracking affect. This also worked for the titles.

Feedback: Magazine

Below is a version of my magazine front cover I asked feedback for

1 Mag 1

For this magazine front cover I went on Facebook (a public social networking site) so that I could get general feedback from the public here is the feedback that I received:

This was the post I wrote prior the feedback.


Picture1 Picture2

From this feedback I will change the image so that it fits my genre more as the consensus of this feedback is that it doesn’t suit the horror genre. I will also minimise the story lines on the left hand side and bring them in as they are too close to the edge. I will also have ‘Foul Play’ in the same format as my poster to embrace synergy in my products. I think I will also have to change the background colour from white to black so that it adds to the chosen genre.

1 Mag 2.1

This version of my magazine was the one I changed with the feedback I received. I then asked my lecture to have a look at it and feedback i received from him was the the harry potter picture didn’t have a clear link or significance to the overall magazine so I replaced this image with a picture of Morgan Freeman as he is who I reference bellow so it would have worked better. Another point was I needed to add more horror conventions, as the picture was bland and had no substance. Also the right side of the main image needed to be filled so I added a competition. This was the outcome.

1 Magzine 1

For the cracking affect on the face, and titles I used the lasso and quick selection tool to select the piece I wanted to crack and I then clicked onto the move tool to move the selected part from the original image giving a cracking affect. This also worked for the titles.

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